direction Vienna, Austria     email




 Contact person:

 Bert Kohlmann


 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

 Mandate of the Laboratory:

 University forming professionals in the areas of agriculture
 and natural resources

 Role in the farm-to-fork chain:

 Biological monitoring of water resources  

 National Reference Laboratory:


 Type of contaminants analysed:


 Matrices analysed:

 Agricultural water resources

 Combination matrices and

 contaminants analysed:

 Evaluation of macroinvertebrate communities and calculation
 of water quality indices.

 Description of validated method used:

 We are using the BMWP-CR' biomonitoring index as specified
 by the Costa Rican Environmental Law No.33903 MINAE-S

 Laboratory accredited according to

 Does not apply

 Provision of interpretation of residue
 data to customers:


 Laboratory certified according to GLP:

 Does not apply

 Is laboratory available for research and
 development (R@D) within RALACA
 when funding becomes available?


 Is the laboratory available for quality
 auditing services within RALACA when
 funding becomes available?


 Is the laboratory available for expert
 missions within RALACA when funding
 becomes available?


 Is the laboratory available for ad hoc on-
 site training when funding becomes


 Is the laboratory available for ad hoc
 remote/distance learning training when
 technology and funding becomes


 Is the laboratory available for
 preparationof ad hoc reference materials
 when projects/funding becomes


 Is the laboratory available for
 organization and distribution of ad hoc
 proficiency testing/collaborative trials
 when projects/funding becomes


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