Contact person in the laboratory: |
Dra. Elizabeth Carazo Rojas |
Email of contact person: |
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
Mandate of the Laboratory: |
The lab is a centre of investigation of the University of Costa Rica. |
Role in the farm-to-fork chain: |
The lab has the technical competence to perform assays |
National Reference Laboratory: |
No, it is not. |
Type of contaminants analysed: |
Pesticides,persistent organic pollutants, emerging pollutants. Water quality parameters as: the biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), total phosphorous, pH, heavy metals by different techniques (GFAAS, FAAS, FIMS, ICP-MS ), anions, stable isotopes. |
Matrices analysed: |
Water, soils,sediments, fruits, vegetables, polymers, biota, air. |
Combination matrices and contaminants |
Analytical Scope: Laboratorio de Análisis de Plaguicidas Analytical Scope CICA-UCR.pdf |
Description of validated method used: |
Laboratory accredited according to |
Yes, it is. See attached documents: Alcance de Acreditación CICA, UCR. |
Accreditation body: | Ente Costarricense de Acreditación (ECA) |
Provision of interpretation of residue |
Yes |
Laboratory certified according to GLP: |
No, it is not certified according to GLP guidelines. |
Is laboratory available for research and |
Yes, we are available and very interested. |
Is the laboratory available for quality auditing services within RALACA when funding becomes available? |
Yes, we are available and prepared. The laboratory has experts in ISO 17025 with extensive auditing experience. These staff members also work as part of the group of internal auditors of the University of Costa Rica. |
Is the laboratory available for expert missions within RALACA when funding becomes available? |
Yes, we are. |
Is the laboratory available for ad hoc on- site training when funding becomes available? |
Yes, we are. |
Is the laboratory available for ad hoc |
Yes, we are. |
Is the laboratory available for preparation of ad hoc reference materials when projects/funding becomes available? |
We do not work preparing reference materials. |
Is the laboratory available for organization and distribution of ad hoc proficiency testing/collaborative trials when projects/funding becomes available? |
We do not have enough facilities to distribute proficiency testing/collaborative trials. |